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Efficient and climate-friendly energy supply in agriculture

Efficient and climate-friendly energy supply in agriculture


Energy solutions that make your agricultural business more productive

Our energy solutions are used for various purposes in agriculture, as large amounts of electrical energy are always required in this sector. To keep machinery running, ensure irrigation and feeding systems operate, and provide heating for barns and greenhouses, a reliable power supply is crucial.

Rely on our power generation systems to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure a reliable power supply. With our comprehensive and customized service, we are a trusted partner. From planning and construction to ongoing maintenance, we support your project every step of the way.


  • Consulting
  • Concept Development
  • Project Engineering


  • Electrical & Installation Planning
  • Process Technology
  • CAD-based Planning

Project Management

  • Site Management
  • Technical Procurement
  • Quality Assurance

Plant Construction

  • Electrical Installation
  • Assembly
  • Commissioning and Test Run


  • Maintenance
  • Routine Servicing
  • Troubleshooting Service

Zeppelin Power Systems Solutions for Power & Heat

Turnkey power generation systems for the agricultural sector

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CHP systems (BHKWs) generate heat and electricity through the combustion of fuels such as biogas or natural gas. In agriculture, they can generate electrical energy to power machinery, lighting, and other applications. The generators in our efficient CHP and cogeneration (KWK) systems provide electrical capacities ranging from 0.4 to 10 MW. Additionally, by combining multiple units, we can build systems that exceed 4.5 MW, offering scalable solutions for larger energy needs.

Zeppelin Power Systems Solutions for Power & Heat

Reliable emergency power supply to prevent outages

Emergency Power Systems for the agricultural sector

Our emergency power systems ensure business continuity, protect livestock, ensure crop safety and are essential during natural disasters.

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Key benefits for your organization


Custom solutions for power generation

As a general contractor, we take on the planning, installation, and maintenance of power generation systems such as combined heat and power (CHP) plants, cogeneration systems, and photovoltaic systems, providing agricultural operations with a reliable power supply.


Emergency power solutions

Customized emergency power supply systems ensure operational safety in emergencies, protecting animals, staff, and equipment.


Efficiency and cost optimization

The implementation of energy-efficient solutions and the use of renewable energy enable agricultural operations to reduce operating costs and achieve long-term savings.



The use of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies helps reduce the ecological footprint and supports the sustainability of agricultural practices.

Zeppelin Power Systems Solutions for Power & Heat

Tailored photovoltaic solutions for your application

Photovoltaic solutions for the agricultural sector
Sustainable power supply with photovoltaic systems

For installation on open land or rooftops: With our photovoltaic systems, you can generate eco-friendly electricity. This generated power can be used to operate agricultural machinery, power lighting systems, run irrigation systems, and power other electrical devices. Excess power can also be fed into the public grid, potentially leading to additional revenue.

Agri-photovoltaics even allows for the simultaneous use of agricultural land while generating eco-friendly electricity through specialized, translucent solar panels. This technology optimizes land usage.

Installing photovoltaic systems provides a sustainable and cost-efficient power supply while reducing environmental impact.

Zeppelin Power Systems Products for Power & Heat

Powerful Cat generators for various applications in agriculture

Cat generators for the agricultural sector
Smooth operation with up to 4.5 MW

Cat generators have a wide range of applications in agriculture. They reliably supply power to buildings, irrigation systems, and agricultural machinery.

Additionally, they serve as emergency power supply to ensure smooth operations even during power outages. With their robust construction and advanced technology, they are capable of providing a continuous power supply for various applications.

The powerful Cat generators are available with up to 4.5 MW.

Other solutions and services for agriculture

Container solutions for the agricultural sector

Stationary and mobile container solutions for power supply in agriculture

Stationary and mobile container solutions offer flexibility in agriculture by adapting to changing energy needs and enabling quick deployment. With robust technologies, they ensure reliable power supply, even in remote areas.

These solutions contribute to improved energy efficiency and also serve as emergency power supply during power outages or other emergencies.

Digital Solutions for the agricultural sector

Digital services for maximum efficiency in agriculture

Discover our digital services that provide full transparency over all connected assets and optimize the performance of your engines and systems in agriculture. With solutions like Active Equipment Connect (AEC) and VisionLink, we enable agricultural operations to benefit from innovative remote monitoring, detailed analysis, and efficient maintenance of their equipment and machinery.

The importance of power supply for agriculture

Sustainable energy generation with combined heat and power (CHP) and block heat and power (BHKW) systems in agriculture

Both systems enable efficient resource use and contribute to the sustainability of agricultural operations. Through CHP (Combined Heat and Power) and cogeneration (KWK) systems, agricultural businesses can generate their electricity while simultaneously using the produced heat for various purposes, such as heating buildings, drying facilities, or livestock housing. This reduces dependence on external energy sources, lowers energy costs, and enhances operational reliability.

Additionally, CHP and cogeneration systems contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions by utilizing renewable energy sources such as biomass or biogas, thereby making an important contribution to environmental protection.

Stable power supply with emergency power systems

By using emergency generators and UPS systems, farmers can reduce their dependence on the public power supply and ensure continuous power availability.

Emergency power systems provide immediate power in the event of a grid outage. They can be sized to meet specific requirements based on need. Modern emergency generators are equipped with automatic transfer switches that activate immediately during a power failure and start the generator.

UPS systems provide immediate, uninterrupted power for critical devices. They bridge the time until the emergency generators are fully operational. UPS systems protect sensitive agricultural equipment from voltage fluctuations and power surges.

Looking for support? We are happy to help.

Zeppelin Power Systems Portfolio for Power & Heat

Our services for agriculture at a glance

Zeppelin Power Systems Resources for Power & Heat

Brochures for Power & Heat available for download

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Electric Power Ratings Guide

Electric Power Ratings Guide

Download PDF Brochure | 9 MB
Container Solutions for Power & Heat

Container Solutions for Power & Heat

You can find more information about our container solutions in the brochure

Download PDF Brochure | 2 MB