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New: Expansion of the CHP gas engine portfolio to 400-10,000 kW


The gas engine aggregates Cat® CG 132, CG 170, CG 260 and GCM34 from Caterpillar Energy Solutions are now also available in the program of the Zeppelin Power System in Germany.

The aggregate model series cover an electrical performance range from 400 to 10,000 kW. For all deployments in regional and transregional energy supply companies, public utilities, larger properties and industrial applications such as the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and processing industry.


The new CHP aggregates in detail

•    CG 132: The series includes 8-, 12- or 16-cylinder configurations for an electrical performance of 400 to 800 kW. These powerful aggregates are particularly suitable for container solutions. 

•    CG 170: These aggregates model series includes 12-, 16- and 20-cylinder versions and deliver an electrical performance of 1,000 to 2,000 kW. 

•    CG 260: The 12- and 16-cylinder aggregates of this series have an electrical performance of 3,300 and 4,300 kW in the 50 Hz variant and are designed for high output power and a 40% better performance to weight ratio to comparable products. The CG 260 is easy to carry and ideal for smaller engine compartments as well as for modular CHP plants. 

•    GCM34: With an electrical performance range from 7800 to 9800 kW, the GCM34 is available for larger cogeneration of heat and electricity systems with gas engine aggregates and an electrical performance of up to 10 MW. With its very high electrical efficiency levels above 47% (ISO 3046) and the flexible operation options, among others in regulating energy use, the multi-module CHP plants with these aggregates are certainly an interesting alternative to conventional generation units in this performance range.

Your advantages: Efficient cogeneration of heat and electricity

The new portfolio for customers opens up a wide range of gas engine aggregates and thereupon based flexible solutions for the electricity and useful heat generation. The new gas engine aggregates offer highly efficient efficiency levels and various ways to use the waste heat. This allows the generation of hot water, steam as well as process heat and cooling also for industrial applications.

Always at the centre of focus: long-term operating costs

The new aggregate series from Zeppelin Power Systems meet all the prerequisites that enable the operator to maintain significant operating costs, such as fuel and maintenance costs possibly low. The comprehensive service network also enables the best possible availability of the aggregates: the 24-hour service depending on the application ensures an availability of up to 97%.